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måndag 21 januari 2008

Att skruva itu ett Canon EF 50/1,8 Mk II

I ett forum hittade jag instruktioner för hur man skruvar sönder ett Canon EF 50/1,8 Mk II. Det verkade inte så svårt.

Jag ska nog kolla hur mitt trasiga ser ut inuti, och ifall det går att fixa.

First, with the rear element facing you, unscrew the two phillips head screws holding the electrical contacts. With the screws removed, carefully push down on the contacts. With the contacts out of the way, gently lift on the plastic surround until it pops out. Next, turn the focusing ring (in manual mode) until the element is at the rear-most position. Now for the delicate part. Grasping the rear element at the sides, gently but firmly twist counter-clockwise until loosened. It should now come right out. Clean the elements and reverse the procedure and you're done.

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